sábado, 14 de febrero de 2009

Valentine's Day

I remember going through Valentine's day after Valentine's day and thinking to myself............."alone again."..........now it has been almost four successive years that youve been by me on this special day.
Agu, there are so many people in the world that are alone all their lives...what can I possibly say to make you understand how thankfull I am for you. Could there be any other in the world capable of making me feel so complete? A better friend? A more sacrificial provider? A more attentive lover? A more tender heart? a sweeter daddy? A funnier clown? A cuddlier bedmate? A greater spoiler?......I remember when we first started being together u lived in the approximate home and you first proclaimed with conviction to the world that you werent gonna spoil me ever and were only going to phone me once aweek.........shortly thereafter, you were on great demand and there was hardly a night which u didnt phone to the frustration of the members of the other home who had to repeatedly draw ur attention to the phone bill.....regardless of their cautioning and protests we talked every night and woe to you the night u werent able to call.........jeje....Not to mention the early rising rest days ( since my dad dint let u spen the night.....roll eyes) while I was peacfully sleeping in....winter-summer, rain or shine, youd bundle up at aroung seven in the morning and get on ur bike and ride over to my place to crawl in bed with me half-frozen .........What costs something is worth something as weve found out.........though I have to attribute the sacrificing to you my love. We've gone through so much together and withought u Id be lost in the world like a little child withought u to hold my hand and take care of me and lead me around. I love you forever my Valentine!.....Mawiee

1 comentario:

BOO dijo...

Sings "Can you feel the love tonight!!" hehe... you both are the most perfect couple I've ever seen! Love you guys!