sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Life is one big Cristmas present!

This morning there was hope again in my heart, like there has been for so many mornings... To look at my reflection in the mirror and smile with secret knowing.
Like a little child, I love secrets and hate to wait for them all at once. When anticipation is in the air, I can shiver with every conscious breath. Fleeting thoughts will make me break into a smile, and laugh aloud in oblivion. It seems God loves to hide things to make life a mystery. To help us treasure every new discovery, every new lesson. He hides treasure in the deepest caves, pearls inside oysters deep down in the sea..........butterflies inside dull cocoons.
Waiting is eternal, but every second of eternity is pleasure. I hold my breath till its over and yet I sigh with such complete satisfaction. Life is emotion, and one big Christmas present! I feel like I can't wait to open it up, and yet wait I shall, and every moment of waiting sends tingles down my spine. I love secrets. Someday I hope to surprise you....

3 comentarios:

BOO dijo...

SO PURTTY!!! Love you!

Clara dijo...

wow....nice writing..
y yo se el secreto!!!
te quero and i miss u!!

Mawiee dijo...

noooooooo Pooch shadapate!!!