viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008

A tasty smackerel!

Ok had to share these scandalous pictures of my tasty smackerel, rolling in a bed of cheese and sauce.

Hence on the left the senior, more experienced spoon-eater scowls with cold, desinterest and comtempt at the clumsy, though thrilling, first efforts of this first-timer, who blissfully unaware, helps herself to a tasty lunch of noodles and cheese-and-tomato-sauce.....enjoying every sensation (it looks good, smells good, tastes good and feels good too!!!)

Anyway, I dont know if any of you readers remember having watched a film during your childhood about a brave little pig named Babe....
well, if you were unfortunate enough to watch the traumatic part two of the movie, you might remember a certain, crazy, fat, face full of ice cream, clown, that lives with his cookoo sister. Somehow he was brought to my memory when I saw my smackerel painted like a clown with sauce