viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008


Sometimes there people who you can never say enough about. The kind you miss when theyre gone, and are proud to call your friend. The kind you remember with a sigh and a smile. The kind that put a song in your heart and music on your lips. The kind that make you cry when u see them cry. And the type that feel right at home on your shoulder. The kind that warms your heart when they smile and makes you laugh just way too much. The kind you can chat with for hours withought ever running out of topics, and always leaving the conversation unfinished for later. The type that helps you find something hilarous in just about everything you can think of. The type that you miss like mad when theyre leaving but who you smile at while they do, cause you want them to be happy and you wish them the best. I know someone that is like that to me and a whole lot more........................I love you Fran!!!!

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Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

mawiee!!!thank you so much for all that sweet stuff, boohoo!!!I miss you and love you tons!!